Teen Em Indica Cums Hard with Her Fingers in Her Tight Pussy

Teen Em Indica Cums Hard with Her Fingers in Her Tight Pussy

"I have sex around 4 times a week, but that's not enough for me so I have to masturbate every day. Sometimes I use my hands, sometimes I use toys and sometimes I use the bathtub faucet. It just depends on my mood. I like to switch things up, but one thing is always consistent: I need to cum multiple times. That's not hard to do, but it can take a while. Because once I have one orgasm, I want another and another. It's made me late to events before. I so want to get a shirt that says "Sorry I'm late; I was CUMMING!"
Featuring: Em Indica
Date: September 1st, 2023
Photos: 144

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Beautiful girl

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